



The 社会与行为科学学院 provides programs that stimulate academic engagement and inform personal and professional values in a spirit that embraces human dignity, 社会公正,鼓励为社区服务. Programs foster respect for all as we engage our students in helping people improve their lives through varied and substantial experiential learning. We instruct students in the use of research and intervention methods that are contemporary, 严格的, 和以证据为基础的. We strive to develop life-long learners who are critical thinkers, innovators and collaborators.



适合对研究类职业感兴趣的学生, or who aim to further their 教育 in master’s level and doctoral programs, 我们理解他们需要从事研究项目.  有时学生将帮助教师获得他们正在进行的奖学金, 有时他们会提出自己的发展项目.  Students have the opportunity to have 1:1 mentorship with 教师 as they engage in independent research. Learn more >>


Marist Social and Behavioral 科学 students get the practical experience they need to succeed in careers in human service through the undergraduate study of psychology, 教育, criminal justice and 社会 work/sociology; these areas are further developed at the graduate level to include, 咨询, 教育与学校心理学. 我们在学校的校友网络, 社区服务机构, 政府, and non-profits offers students learning and mentoring experiences that complement those presented in the classroom. Learn more about experiential learning >>



在圣母, we provide students with the resources to find internship opportunities that exhilarate their interests and inspire them to move forward and upward in their chosen field. 实习 enable students to take the fundamentals they have obtained during their coursework with the 社会与行为科学学院 and learn to apply them in a professional setting. 了解我们每个项目的实习情况:


Outside of class, students have the opportunity to become involved in a variety of clubs. 


  • 刑事司法专业学生在招聘会的照片 刑事司法俱乐部: The 刑事司法俱乐部 is a group which aims to give students the opportunity to get in contact with other 刑事司法 majors and minors. Meetings and activities allow students to develop personal relationships with the 教师 and develop contacts in the field.
  • ∑是国家刑事司法荣誉协会, 其目标是表彰和促进学术卓越, 社区服务, 教育领导, 和团结.


  • 明日教师: 明日教师 promotes aspiring educators in their efforts to better prepare themselves for an ever-changing profession. 通过实践活动, 讲座, 社区服务工作, and interactions with children and administration at local 学校 districts, the members are able to achieve a greater understanding of the 教育 world.
  • Kappa Delta Pi: Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), 国际教育荣誉协会, fosters excellence in 教育 and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching.
  • 最好的伙伴: 最好的伙伴 is the world’s largest organization that is dedicated to ending the 社会, 物理, and economic isolation of people with both intellectual and 发展 disabilities.


  • 心理学俱乐部: The 心理学俱乐部 is for students interested in establishing relationships with 教师 and learning more about psychology outside of the classroom. We organize a number of events including psychology student/教师 社会s, 演讲嘉宾, 以及为中学生举办的残疾意识研讨会. These events provide our community with 知识 about and experience in the different areas of psychology. 所有人都被鼓励加入!
  • Psi气: Psi气 is the International Honor Society in 心理学 and was founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, 刺激, 保持优秀的学术水平, 推动心理学的发展. Currently there are over 1000 Psi气 Chapters located at colleges and universities across the United States and Canada. 圣母会Psi气分会于1979年成立. Our chapter provides students with the opportunity to join Psi气 if they meet certain standards required by Psi气 and the Association of College Honor Societies (a governing body for college honor societies).


  • 社会工作协会:社会工作协会
  • 弘扬核心价值观, 知识, 以及社会工作专业的技能, 这就需要提高自我意识的承诺, 社会正义, 和社区参与,以改善我们自己和社会.


教师讲课的照片 我们的学生受益于我们丰富多样的背景 教师.  We have a unique blend of full-time 教师 with doctorates from prestigious institutions and part-time 教师 who are active in their fields (e.g., lawyers, judges, counselors, 社会 workers, teachers, and psychologists).  This critical mix allows our students to examine their fields through the guidance of classroom scholars, 以及成功的实践者.  Moreover, our scholars represent great diversity within each of the four departments.  例如, 我们的心理学教师拥有临床等领域的博士学位, 发展, 社会, 认知, 实验, 学校, 以及咨询心理学.  The same can be said of the criminal justice, 教育, and 社会 work 教师.



学生志愿者照片 In addition to the many opportunities for internships and independent research, 我们的学生从事社区服务.  你会发现我们的学生无处不在!  最近, they hosted an evening to raise awareness of homelessness that required students to sleep on the campus green overnight; the event also raised funds and supplies for the homeless.  They volunteer to support local students struggling with literacy and math.  They create STEM fairs at local 学校s for parents and children to engage in real-world “puzzles” that they are challenged to solve.  They design “discovery boxes” for our local children’s museum to engage young learners.  They bring local middle 学校 students to campus for a day of diversity awareness that includes exercises to make them more aware of what it is like to engage with the world with a variety of disabilities.  他们在当地女子监狱成立了互助小组.  这样的例子不胜枚举.  我们的专业是“实干家”.”